Kamis, 13 September 2012

Reverse status on your Facebook

Reverse status on your Facebook:
Updating status, comment status / pictures, write messages on the wall friends have become part of everyday activities in FacebOOk. With these things we can interact freely without known distance and time.But what if the comments / messages that we send a written upside down?

It is application on facebook upside down writing (written backwards) from Flip text which provide reverse the writings that we make. With just type the words on the page provided by flip text we easily get the result overturned writing that can be Publishsed on the facebook

Interested in using it? please visit the flip text and make friends on facebook dizzy reading the messages that we leave behind .

This is screenshot my reverse status,make my friends dizzy to read my status.

Go to application:click here
Nb:if this application not full screen on your pc,just refresh your browser.

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